I just got back from Kuantan last Friday..
just had my shower that night,
suddenly...Heard the message tone......received an sms - nothing special.....
But, this one
IS special :)
"Saya di KL- nak lunch esok sabtu..12:30?"- LatLo and behold!!!! Did God just gave me
the greatest Raya green packet or what?!
I jumped in full joy (the towel still intact around my sexy waist)... was so happy and
so very EXCITED (my wife's favourite word for this is "TERUJA"-learnt it from one of the Cerekarama on TV3)..it is not easy to get to see him...he is a very busy man...and very seldom would he come down to KL ( he lives in Ipoh).
Usually, i'm the one who'd be trying to see him...and would run around like a crazy chicken on a farm- trying to catch him during events/seminars/special occassion....
I was beaming in my bed....it feels like i'm dreaming...."could this be real?" (the silly smile still on my face....)
so we had lunch (my wife tagging along -she was sooooo..."TERUJA"...been collecting his work since she was 9).....chit-chat...talked about his new project...local comic scene...learnt lots of stuff from him..showed him my latest work for his comments n advice..etc..
Discussed about setting up the
Comic Association and bringing the local comic scene to a new height.....n he personally like to start a
club first...instead of an association.......coz...he was involved in a Cartoon organization before.....lots of story from him.....will let you guys know the details soon.....
and his
latest news..
Now 'Kampung Boy' is available for American and Canadian market....and he personally pass a copy to me ...with his autograph!!!
mahal tu..it's the most stupendous edition..coz it's not sold here in MAlaysia..
WOW!...and before we end our session..yes...he loves comics.....and planning to come out with a new..
Graphic Novel...
tungggguuuu.....coming soon...