you grab whatever job opportunity you never know when the job is kinda dry..
so busy yes i am..time is everything.
pict below my working station.Most of my collection either in my parents house, office & store.. yup dalam gamba ni rumah saya dok ngan mak mentua la.. dulu zaman UC keje sendiri ada studio rumah..sekitar 2000-2004...byk gak barang kat Studio UC ni..kini dlm setor.. work station ni share ngan bini buat keje..agak sempit padat dan panas gak la..ahahah.
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well..for close to 6 years,,here's my corner to do work..usually @ night & weekend,,coz i have a day job. |
with so many uncertainty in life..yup you can only plan..
"kita Hanya merancang..Tuhan yang menentukan,,,"
dan selalunya apa yang di rancang tak akan berlaku seperti yang di rangka..macam2 berlaku..yang jadi..benda yang tak di jangka...
ianya selalu berlaku macam ni..
now this is the bold valiant move decision from me..with uncertainty in job and life,, i gamble to rent a house for a studio..SOHO..(Studio Home Office)... more money pay rent , bills..interior etc..
I Need a studio a place of my own to draw n store my collection of comics and books..hundreds of em..
but i just do it,..i need a space..maybe i be more productive in a new Studio?
so here's some update of my sketches/work..
Ini beberapa drawing sketches di buat masa di opis sekitar 2010...
sketchbook yang sentiasa di bawa semasa meeting..sambil meeting..saya pon menconteng... color tu add dalam photoshop..itu je la update kali ni..nak sambung new Studio... harap dapat update lg blog regurlarly..