i really am piss off..... coz i lost a lot of my friends & associates contact/mail...
out of the blue...my friend said he received my yahoo mesengger with weird link and messages......
he said my yahoo account might be hacked..got virus... i was surprised..coz my yahoo email and messenger seems to be ok...
...later that night...at my house...try to log in my email...ym...and seems that my account is invalid...
sooo have to create a new account..
for those who wanna contact me via email...this is my new email;
email: azharuc@yahoo.com
ym: azharuc
hllo alfie,can i know how to contact you?
othr than email?
kesian :( its so geram when like that.
I suggest u use gmail and keep yahoo for your blog email saja. and don't publish :) safer!
tq for the advice Angelia....ok will not publish my email...
huh?? me alfie?..may i know who are you mr anonymous
aku pernah kena gak...tp nasib ada alternatif emel...aku dpt balik password dan crack balik emel lama...selamat..kekeke.
azhar, use other email service like gmail. yahoo mail sucks! i had the same shit last time
already have 2 alternate emails..yup..n one wth gmail..
wahhh tere la ko odows..dpt recover balik email ko
aiyak!tak cukup antibiotik!tu la kena virus...
ahhh..my dear darling poppy..its so sweet for you to drop by...
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