did a couple of sketches on Iron man..back then..
and the latest is the ironman vs ironhide..
not a big fan of ironman..
but when the news came out on Ironman movie..i was hooked!
didn't collect any comics on iron man..
a few avengers..bullet points..
but..Ironman:enter the mandarin really get my attention..thanks to eric canete marvelous art!
well ..till the movie come out.
"Yeah.. i can Fly.."
Nice one! You inking these with a brush?
Yes master Don..using a normal..out of shape size 1 nylon brush..wth caligraphy chinese ink...
still need to practice inking using brush with more tenderness..
blh buat reference ni..
Ironman is better than Batman. True or False?
Nice sketches!
Touche. Sound arguments. Keep up the good effort.
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