i'm so tired i cant sleep..so i grab my sketchbook, pencil and a brush..
just bought a new sketchbook..its not moleskine... its a cheaper version called 'monologue'.. i give it a try..with my red sable brush no 3... with talens indian ink..
draw da new batman.. coz i'm in love with Batman & Robin comic series by Grant Morisson.. long i've waited this kind of comic..
a good extraordinaire comic in years
make my love for comic blooms.. comic..is a wonderful visual narrative entertainment medium..
ingat lepas lukis batman ni..nak buat komik aku la,,, tgk jam dah dekat pkl dua daa...kena tidoo.. lagipon letih sebenarnya.. terbengkalai lagi nak siapkan komik aku..ehehehe
just bought a new sketchbook..its not moleskine... its a cheaper version called 'monologue'.. i give it a try..with my red sable brush no 3... with talens indian ink..
draw da new batman.. coz i'm in love with Batman & Robin comic series by Grant Morisson.. long i've waited this kind of comic..
a good extraordinaire comic in years
make my love for comic blooms.. comic..is a wonderful visual narrative entertainment medium..
ingat lepas lukis batman ni..nak buat komik aku la,,, tgk jam dah dekat pkl dua daa...kena tidoo.. lagipon letih sebenarnya.. terbengkalai lagi nak siapkan komik aku..ehehehe
asslakum...tma kasih abe tgk blog saya dan komen..hmmm..saya akan blja lgi..banyak lg kena blaja..tp agak dengki jgk la bila tgk u.c n tgk hasil tgn adijin yang muda lg masa tu art da power n da jd ketua grafik..apa2 pun saya kena blaja dgn org mcm abg la..br btul..org lama kata kan..arap2 satu ari kita leh jumpa tak g2..saya ada bnyak nak bertnya pasal art.n saya nak tanya pasal nak sambung blaja..saya nak emil abng mudah nok berbicara...nak jumpa tak tau bila..hehehhe..bereh be ,gapo2 pun sokong komik kito..
YES! Batman rules. Nice sketch.
LandOP> keep on drawing...soon..we'll meet..sabar..sabar
Marco> true..Batman rules..anyway thank for dropping by my blog..hope you like it..and will visit again
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