and we never stop learning..every time we read and look at the art..we find something new...
below some process of doing comic for pitching Frank Cho comic 50girl50 back in October 2009

so camnilah keadaan saya..meja ketika melukis,,,,di kelilingi komik..
la ni tgh nak siapkan final page komik baru... punya la layan..x siap lagi..cek reference..
update blog lah..
sebab busy update mana sempat je..
so camnilah kehidupan..siang keje lain..malam..bila anak bini dah tido...baru mengadap buat komik..ni tak termasuk persiapan untuk event peKOMIK mac 28 nih..
demi memartabatkan persada Komik Malaysia..letih wooo..need support..
wahhh... en.hebat la... tu pensil biru tu, mmg jual kt kedai bese ke?? sbb sye bce, tu senang padam kn??
ni, sye cri en. azhar kt fb xde pown?? nk add ni?? hehehe...
btw, sye puteri, student animasi uitm, part1... ;pp
bang, kasik nampak la gamba buku2 referen kat atas tu..hehe..
yg inoue takehiko tu artbook die ek?
Whiusshhh! Giler ah sempoi workstation! besh besh....^_^
me support =)
Puteri: pencil biru ni ada jual kat artshop...pakai pencil kaler pon buleh gak..reason being utk scan...sebab tak nampak/can be adjust/level...so tak yah padam la rough line wrk biru ni...
zehe: bukan setakat artbook je...kebanyakan komik menjadi reference dan bahan utk belajar melukis..yup artbook inoue..ada 2..
sammy: ok la apa yg ada..janji leh layan buat komik.
Nie yg kao da preview kat Pergh tue eh?? yang kapal angkaso sume tue??? wowww.. memang Al DIno lah lepas nie..
great workstation, I hope you early can realize your dream and work in a big company
Azhar!! I FOUND YOU!! remember me anot? hahaha... I've moved my website to www.orkachan.com
By the way, great stuff you got here... Awesome work!
myownmind:..aah yg aku post kat pergh.. Al Dlno tu haper? pelik la bahasa tinggi abe wave nih..
episodes: thanks for dropping by... hope i get a gig doing comic in US...
Yvone: of course i remember you...its been quite sometime we didnt meet...so still in gaming compny in KL Sentral?..we should meet n do the Drink n Draw thing..
The blue pencil color is sometimes 'stolen' from his 3yr old daughter who lays it around the house for umpteenth time...
The so called work station is just a study table which has yet to materialize
...and you've been pretty good with spending your time with the family the past week...so, no complains from this side:))
Gua sapot 100% brader~!.....
terima kaseh Enche Ali for the Support..
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