This is my version of Cpt Malaysian....it was published in a kid magazine back in 80s...the design kinda like superman...as all of you guys are familiar with.....
try to come out with a new design...my story take place where old Cap' altready retired..in his 40s..until ..the time comes where he is needed badly.....Yaaa..a typical superhero storyline
yep..that is me....stock UC lelama ada lagi..tapi rasanya ada a few issues yg dah x de...#8 & #9.... tau kan UC sampai #18..jer
buleh...call aku 017-6052119...RM1 jer
aku rasa kapten Malaysia ni ko buat dia Kapten pasukan bola sepak malaysia...maklumlah aura myteam tengah kuat skrg nih..
cehhh..hampehnyer tenkoi
xen..nice to see u again. thanks for dropping by,,..kinda bz at d moment..will get back 2 yaa...kita diskus pasal cap Malaysia
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