wahh,,why today suddenly i'm eager to post things..my artwrk here in this blog......maybe i'm to excited that i finally have my own blog?....coz a lot..i mean alot of my friends already have their own website even kid younger than me already know how to come out with their own website....whether or not there's people actually wanna see my work...in this blog or not ?.. ijust dont care,,,,,yeppppiiIIIII ...i have my portfolio on d net!!!!..Eyaaabedabedooo
maybe i'm acting like a small kid too much...but this is New to ME!!!
anyway this is my upcoming comic project,,,a graphic novel actually..it is called "PendekaR Melayu TerAKHIR"..
i'm still on pencillng stage....120pgs maaann!!!!
luckly not many students tday..so i manage to scan my work in the computer lab,,,,
so..how didja like my pencil work?
tak leh jadi nih..kau telah meningalkan aku jauh kebelakang...
itu la pasal!!!,,,ko lagi lah...dah siap 100pg !!! mana leh jadi babe!!..aku baru 22pg..masih pencil stage lagi
Huhu pensil work!!!!!! 100 pages dah? laju betul tu tahniah!!!!
itu team satria alam...laju giler...so camna ngan progress perkasa alam
Oh skrip Perkasa Alam ada sedikit rombakan. Insya Allah nanti akan forward pada Krom. Sehari dua lagi kot, mintak dia counter-check mana-mana yang missing out. Hahaha first time buat skrip, maklumlah.
cun seh angle ko... gila lah.. a lot improvement i see.. keep it up! color or black and white? aku tngah minat komik black & white plak skarang nie.. hihihii
komik ni..its in B&W...120pgs..
hopefully september ni siap lah..
Waaaaa....sudah pensil aaa...
bagus bagus
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