....well,, this used to be my work station

this is how my temporary hide-out look like..

finally after the renovation..this is how my cubical in the office look like..still waiting for the contractors to finish paintng works..wayering..trunking..networking ..etc

Ooo ganaz la workstation abg azhar :D byk collect action figure? Dlm gambar#3 tu lightbox ke?
AF...bukan Akademi Fantasia yer...ada la sikit2..
lightbox tu kat animation lab/studio...student tgh x de bole la lepak situ..tee..hehe
semua Af tu mostly dapat diskaun/bargain price...beli pon masa sale..
Ruang simpan barang. Kawan kpd semua pelukis! Aku pulak tengah menunggu masa bila kedai siap order lightbox aku.
Ah, wanted to drop you a line about some animation stuff. You probably had seen them already but just in case:
Bagitau la bila ade sale action figure kat aku... heheh!
1.try jadi member forum play.com.my..ada thread AF for sale!kalu nak tau AF mana depa kasi murah.
2. jadi ToysRus member..kekadang dpt diskaun sampai 50%. gi la mane2 toys r us..kekadang ada yg murah.
3. juga tgk sale kat Parkson, Metrojaya ngan Jusco. con. Metro kat comxtra ada buat clearance..byk la AF yg aku beli dr JLU - Batman Begins..time tu diskaun 50%-70%.
4.kalu g kedai toys..try bargain..kekadang tu leh dpt murah..i always get special price/bargain/cheap AF kat shioktoys kat TTDI..walapon stok lelama..hehehe
5. to get a cheap Action Figures..the tips is..always on d look out.
Yg aku melepas..Batman mobile zmn Tim burton..metal die cast..1/29 scale pd harga RM129..now kedai jual for RM359!!! DARN!
Peace to all,
Azhar... at least you work space is much,much bigger than mine!!!! My work space macam lab tikus punya maze aje... ha-ha-ha!
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