these character designs are for the animation pitch's been almost one month since the submission.....until today there's no news from them...i think i'm out of the competition...
no worries..i did enjoy the process..the sketches and design...

chun aaa tuan puteri tu.. hehehe
chun ke....errr..TQ..aku memang lomah tang pompuan
en.azhar..mengape gambor en.azhar kurus???mase zaman muda yer??thanx azhar..gua tengok lu punyer skecthes (itu bukan skecthes tapi dah jadi artworks).ada keluar komik solo ke..keluar nanti mention tau gua beli punyerrr..hail!azhar!hail!!
kurus...aku memang kurus n tough!..hehehehe...dlm komputer jer la..
elee...abg botak ni purak-purak tak tau lak kita ada buat komik nak mintak berkat..supaya sukses macam "mambo Di Kuala"..
bukan Mambo..lagu Shakira yek
macam itu silat lagenda ;P
mcm silat lagenda?...yer ke?...the story line i can guarantee u much more better than silat lagenda
toyol gigit punggung toyol? disturbingly interesting! hahah! cute!
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