(been chased by a DEADLINE)
still working out on this digital wacom drawing...so to make it easy for me,
i used Batman as a subject..
btw the dwg had been done a week ago..can't find the time to publish it here..
have to speed up..so i did a simple pencil ;ayout n straight to ink..
waddoyu guys think?
is it a wise decision?

Never been overly enamoured by tech gadgets in art. Hate tablets. But as long it produces the quality you want, why not?
for me tablets is useful for digital colouring..
until i master digital painting..i will praise this wacom tablet a lot.
hehehhe.. dude, once u have practise the traditional method perfectly, there will be no problem at all to produce good digipaint artwork. Try to use Corel Painter.. cool seh! Serupa manual punya piece feel dia. Slamat menchoba!
I heard you've nearly finished PMT, what's the latest? If you want preview pages from Satria Alam, just ask.
not yet finish la..
baru pg80..tu pon ada about 50ps tak ink..
darn!!!...have to think of a fastest way to draw and ink..
luckily the book is not in colour..phew...
Well... one way to finish is to get someone to help ink. Student banyak apa? Or get someone who's having a little lag time now(me), heh.
hmmm...an inker..aaaye..
yeah seems i need one...but my pencil is always rough.. i need a goodamn inker..yg rajin..hehehe
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