already open my cast 2 weeks ago. Doctor normal for the bone to have a slow least 2 months. so i got another month MC. Now the painfull part has started: Fisiotheraphy.... i have to push my self in order to walk...IT IS SOOO PAINFUL...FROM THE TIP OF MY TOE..ANKLE AND ALL THE WAYYY TO MY HAMSTRING..
i can feel the pain..the muscle ache pulling my muscle to cramp...AGHHH...swelling soo weak..and full of pain..."lemah kepala lutuT!"..camtu lah nak cerita..the there's no energy on my left feet..
so try to walk..thru railing...light exercise to try to move my feet..move my ankle..cycling exercise//lightweight(foot) lifting..a little painful massage.. start to improve..i can stand with my both leg..but still can't walk..
and last week i was in Pekan, Pahang...balik kampung..Mak Long meninggal sebab lelah..petang dan malam tu sihat..takde tanda2 sakit ke..cuma tgh malam Jumaat tu dia sesak nafas..dan pada jam 2am dia telah kembali ke Rahmatullah...malam nifus Syaaban..Al fatihah.
tu la..kita takkan tahu..bila Tuhan nak ambil kita..siang..hari nie..sihat..esok? seolah-olah kita akan mati pada esok hari (lebih kurang camtulah hadith yg aku tau)
this is something i did a couple of weeks ago..
pencil sketch + photoshop colour

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