this wacom thing really gets into my nerves..it's hard for me to draw n ink digitally using wacom.. this make pencil and manual inking on my top list..
its hard to control the line..the stroke the thickness..and the quality using wacom..it doesn't feel like using pencil...DUHHH!..means i have to doo A LOTTT of PRACTICE...
i kinda get hang off with digital colouring,,the simple one..not yet digital painting...
so i think this is my 6th attempt on Digital Drawing n INkning...
pitty the subject matter: Blue Beetle...kinda like the character..hope DC will resurrect him
Throw away your Wacom Graphire bro..
Get the wacom Intous... then you will throw way yur pen and pencil..
I know lah becauce I already just got one...
Haa haaa....
Did i mention that I got the A3 intuous...
Haa.. Haaa...
it doesn't matter what kind of medium you are using actually.... i've been using wacom grphire for all my artwork... but using A3 intuous is totally cool! Experienced it bfore.... seriously mate! hehehe
mouse also can, depends on what kind of style u wanna do... peace!
wah that big arghhh? makes me little envy owww cos ain't have nothing
is it right tenkoi..leh pakai ker?...
berani bawak opis..show it to me!
still need get to used dwg using wacom...sigh!..
anyway..what didja think of my digital artwrk here..
your work totally Marvelous Bro...
Now ,I think we can expect Pendekar Melayu Terakhir to be in coloured. You got whole month MC what? Of course got time.
Thank you Mr Tenkoi..bodek aaa?
PMT in colour..aduss!..if u can colour it..go ahead!
no time to colourlah...whole month MC also struggling to finish the book la..
BB baru ko da usha? mcm Guyver la siut...
aku ada perasaan... x baca lagi..looks interesting..
tunggu TPB...
camna pun aku suka yg dulunya ...coz dia ala Batman,,cuma kelakar
yg latest BB nie aku rasa dia guna power Scarab dia..like the original BB
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