After a load of pills..painkillers..lying in bed..and doin' my unfinished freelance work..
i'll do some digital exercise..i did a couple of digital artwrk past few days...i think i over do it time around..i keep my coloring simple...kinda hard to adjust my layout pencil n inking think of my Flash....some balloon there i add up to spice the sketch..simple digital try out...hehehe

wah patah kaki??.. aiseymen.. semoga cepat sembuh..
Since you're on painkillers (ah, the stories I can tell you about those wondeful pills...) I'm not sure you'd like to hear this now, but...
I have this idea for a mini series called sky hiker (I'll post some sketches in my blog). I think your artwork would fit really well with the idea. Lot's of big areas with lots of details. Compulsive obssesiveness required. Email me if you wanna know more, if not that's okay too.
Suggestions are welcomed.
uii..we might have same wave some ideas on painkillers too..since i'm having..volatren..zynden..& another pill i forgot d name..but the idea kinda similar to Osmosis Jones.
anywhere..i'm interested in any comic idea! bring it on!
Voltaren? Zadetin? Oh, dude, I've taken them all and much more. Hell, for a very large part of my young life I was on painkillers. Sometimes things get comfortably hazy and all you do is sleep.
Aaanywaay, get well soon.
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