so this is what happened to my Leg.
The Doctor can't believe i have two fractured crack from to different direction,,.. kinda impossible.. a unique case... he said my leg has cracked before..just wait for the time to break..
he said " have you crack..fell...your leg..involve in any accident before?"
i said" for 20 years i play football..did fall..sprain my leg..knee..ankle..involve in minor accident but never feel this painfull like tday"
anyway the X Ray here shows the crack..i hope u can see the lines..the force came from 2 different angle.
got another week for nxt appointmnt with d doctor
wah.. bloma baik lagi ke kaki ko
belom lagi lah bang..sorii..tak hantar werk utk xlimits...balik kampung..takpa ..saya try hantar utk nxt issue..
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