since my last update which is on February.. i am so tight with deadline..trying to pitch for Liquid City..but in the end i'm not sure my proposal got straight to finish my next comic..graphic novel...closed to date.. 4 years in the making...( coz half way in 2006-early 2008 had to complete Liga Pendekar comic that won IPCC grand 2006)... at the same time busy with ofice work..and preparing PeKOMIK event & PeKOMIK award 2010 on last March..
i am that busy..pitty my family had a lil time with me...

that's my workstation at Shah Alam.. my weekdays station..usually work late night..
and below is the process...
Lama tak tgk step-by-step mcm ni sejak ramai artist beralih ke digital.
Nice work!
terbaik..perlukan tahap kesabaran yg tinggi...
haish...give him brush+pencil+ink...he'll be fine....just don't give him screwdrivers+screws+saw....he is screwed with them....:))
cantiknyer... pandai ko melukis.. tapi aku x reti.. hahahahaaa... ate name pon tangan bangku!! haha.. keep up the good work!!
jgn bagi screw driver kt azhar, bukan dia bertukang nnti, dia customized lukis atas tu kang vovi.. :) u always support him with this comic thingy up until now.. respect!
terbaek!!!...aku rasa walaupun aku selalu wat digital painting or illustration, tp nafsu melukis ni die lagi kearah manual kepuasanya...ntah la...conventional ni bole dikatakan macam self therapy...kepuasan maksimum!!!...terbaik ni!!!....
wahh gempak! sejak aku membeli wacom bamboo..aku sudah hampir lupe ape itu pensil dan kertas..bile aku try balik pakai konvensional nye teknik ni, mesti jari kiri nak tekan command + z..nak undo! hahaha..papepon teknik manual ni lebih padu! gua tabik!
Zool: saya masih lemah dalam digital painting. perlu belajar dari master seperti anda.
Artzam: yup..tapi aku belasah je,,
vovi+amy: kelaka la korang nih...macam2 buleh jadi pada screwdriver nih.
Minami: thanks
hafidz: ya betul tuh..lagi pon saya selesa senang nampak bila melukis manual..
Nimbus: saya masih belajar kedua2 manual n digital...tapi draw manual lagi laju..
Teringat projek Form 5 zaman mrsm kota baru dulu.
Tesis komik kami dapat anugerah tesis terbaik, mengalahkan team2 'engeneers' & 'doktor'.
Aku memang bjiwa artis, tp macamana boleh tcampak masuk bidang akaun....
fadhli: thank you
Ali: teruskan melukis walaupon seorang akauntan.
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