my blog is more of my online portfolio and process/ behind the scene/ progress of my work..
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
is this preview tense
just finish one deadline... now trying to focus back on my overly delayed 'Pendekar' comic..hope this preview can spark my passion back to finish this comic..
the Kamen Rider REdesign is my practice on digital drawing and female drawing which i'm weak at..
yg PMT tu mmg boleh ignite spark ko aku rasa! chun tu! tngn yg belakang kene ikat tu mmg smart! allspark pun boleh terbkar ni. hehehe. keep it up!
just trying my best to deliver an entertaining sequential art..
coz that's my love n passion
really dig the second panel on this page, specially the way the right foreground hand leads into the panel. tough shot, great job!
thank you Chris
thanks for dropping by my blog..
try my best to draw good comics
Salam,tolog komen saya punyer artworks yea..tq
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