Monday, September 19, 2011

3D: Daredevil Digital Doodle

try hard to regularly update blog.

lepas cuti raya..terus jump start sibuk bekerja...back to rush work after a week break holiday. with more talented good artist ( way better establish than me) has started a comic art jam group ala Comictwart its called drawLAAH!
i am so lucky to be part of the group..coz i'm the lousy sketch artist among em..

so heres the excited so i start the jam with Daredevil..coz i love the new run by Mark Waid and i love Paolo Reveira & Marcoz Martin artwork..

now time to sleep..tomorrow have to wake up early and a pitch to present.
here's the progress of my digital sketch
adobe photoshop in 65min.


Toh Seng Kai said...

Can I join the group too?

azhar said...

Hi Toh..

i think at the moment its a close group among us friends.